Looking in at the exhibition from outside Gallery 234 at the University of Wyoming student union.

Looking in at the exhibition from outside Gallery 234 at the University of Wyoming student union.

Foreground: Ceramic footprints, made by each of the children spiral outwards. Background: silhouettes of the students represent the isolation children with disabilities often experience, the blue student is reaching out to bridge the gap in communic…

Foreground: Ceramic footprints, made by each of the children spiral outwards. Background: silhouettes of the students represent the isolation children with disabilities often experience, the blue student is reaching out to bridge the gap in communication and socialization. (Creative Director: Justin Deegan)

“Hate, Hope, Love” by Nancy MarlattThis piece was intended to encourage visitors to question their intents of “love” as possibly shallow; that they may be blind to their own”hate”; and that if we can acknowledge these faults within ourselves, then s…

“Hate, Hope, Love” by Nancy Marlatt

This piece was intended to encourage visitors to question their intents of “love” as possibly shallow; that they may be blind to their own”hate”; and that if we can acknowledge these faults within ourselves, then somewhere in the middle we find “hope.” Fairy lights in “hope” turn on with the effort of the viewer to press the little button shown below.

An interactive station, the I wish for you wall. Visitors were encouraged to leave aspirations for someone they knew living with a disability.  The curtains represent the barriers faced by those living with a disability; the act of moving them aside…

An interactive station, the I wish for you wall. Visitors were encouraged to leave aspirations for someone they knew living with a disability. The curtains represent the barriers faced by those living with a disability; the act of moving them aside is a metaphor for breaking barriers to allow opportunities and understanding to flow forth.

A mirror covered in torn maps, puzzle pieces, and clothing labels is intended to ask visitors to reflect on their role in defining what it means to be human.

A mirror covered in torn maps, puzzle pieces, and clothing labels is intended to ask visitors to reflect on their role in defining what it means to be human.

A close up of one of the student’s self-portrait.

A close up of one of the student’s self-portrait.

“Words are a Privilege” by Nancy MarlattAn individual with processing information challenges and fine oral motor challenges, need to find alternative methods of communication. This painting highlights those challenges, but also reminds others that s…

“Words are a Privilege” by Nancy Marlatt

An individual with processing information challenges and fine oral motor challenges, need to find alternative methods of communication. This painting highlights those challenges, but also reminds others that speaking with our voice and being able to read are privileges too many take for granted.

Portraits of the children on display.

Portraits of the children on display.

“Let us Journey Together, you and I” by Nancy MarlattOne of five paintings on exhibit that depicted the journey of an individual on the autism spectrum.

“Let us Journey Together, you and I” by Nancy Marlatt

One of five paintings on exhibit that depicted the journey of an individual on the autism spectrum.